This under-construction contemporary home is situated on the couple’s own private golf course and will feature an open floor plan and modern design mixing stainless steel, glass and terrazzo countertops. This is Wendy’s second design project for this couple and includes two bathrooms as well. Her first design for them is this contemporary in the Hartford, CT area.
Initial install Dec. 1–The space is ready– The Bentwood and St. Charles cabinets and appliances delivered, and installation of everything in kitchen and masterbath is begun. The weather mostly shirt sleeve warm and sunny in south Texas. Great seafood and TexMex.
Early February–Rest of the cabinetry installed and setting of appliances–all in preparation for countertop templating mid-February. The weather down into the teens and 20’s–the coldest seen in the region in decades. All of the huge vegetable garden lost, no more limes and grapefruit, and a lot of calves are born. Still great seafood and TexMex.